
Welcome to the Hudson Voice Technique course!

I hope you will enjoy going through all the elements of the course.

IMPORTANT - each lesson has accompanying scripts, so please download and print the work booklet so you can read and record from printed paper. You will also have the option of reading off the screen, but that is more for fun.

Before, during and after the course, you will have to record yourself. You can either do this on your mobile phone, but better yet, you can download a free software: Audacity which is an easy-to-use recording programme.

Here are some useful links for downloading Audacity
Audacity software

When you start your first lecture - the Introduction, click on the little gear wheel in the upper left corner of the page, and turn autoplay to 'off'.

Before you start a lecture, please first print the PDF files so you have them ready.

Enjoy the course!

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